Rhyme Desk
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Words That Rhyme With "Kars" :

1 syllable:

arch, Ares, arse, barres, bars, Barth, berth, Bierce, birch, birse, birth, blurs, bourse, burres, burse, bursts, carse, church, curse, czars, darst, dearth, dorse, durst, earth, ers, Erse, erst, farce, Fars, fierce, firs, firsts, firth, force, fors, furr's, furs, furze, gars, garth, gersh, girth, gorse, harsh, hearse, Hearst, hearth, hers, hirst, hoarse, horse, Hurst, jars, jurs, larch, lars, lurch, march, Marche, mars, marse, marsh, mirth, Morse, Norse, nurse, nursed, parch, pars, parse, Peirce, perch, Perth, pierce, purrs, purse, pursed, Sars, search, serf, sheers, slurs, smirch, snarf, source, sparse, spurs, starch, Starrs, stars, stirs, surf, terce, terse, thirst, thyrse, tierce, torse, turf, vars, verse, versed, verst, werst, worse, worst, worth, wurst, zarf

2 syllables:

adverse, ahorse, amerce, antrorse, asperse, athirst, averse, Babar's, bazaars, besmirch, chauffeurs, cigars, coerce, coerced, confers, converse, conversed, couloirs, cutpurse, defers, deforce, demarche, demurs, deters, devoirs, disburse, disbursed, disperse, dispersed, diverse, divorce, emersed, endorse, enforce, extrorse, feetfirst, guitars, headfirst, immerse, immersed, inarch, indorse, inearth, infers, introrse, inverse, messieurs, monsieurs, Myanmar's, obverse, outmarch, outsource, perforce, perverse, prefers, premorse, rebirth, refers, rehearse, rehearsed, remorse, Renoirs, research, retrorse, returf, reverse, reversed, sitars, submerse, submersed, tailfirst, transfers, transverse, unchurch, unearth, unhorse, unversed, Wentworth

3 syllables:

connoisseurs, interchurch, interfirst, intersperse, interspersed, overarch, reenforce, reimburse, reimbursed, reinforce, restauranteurs, saboteurs, superstars, universe, unrehearsed, unreversed

4 syllables:

arbitrageurs, biodiverse, entrepreneurs, polydisperse, restaurateurs

5 syllables:
