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Words That Rhyme With "Forspent" :

1 syllable:

ain't, ant, aunt, bant, ben, bend, benne, bent, bint, blend, blende, blent, blunt, Brandt, brant, bren, brengun, brenn, Brent, brunt, bunt, cant, cent, chant, Chen, chien, clint, cunt, den, Denne, dent, dint, dreamt, dunt, end, faint, feint, fen, fend, Fenn, fent, flint, fremd, friend, front, gant, gent, Ghent, glen, Glenn, glint, grant, Granth, grunt, Gwen, hant, hemmed, hemp, hen, hent, hint, hunt, jen, Kant, kemp, ken, Kent, lant, lend, lent, lint, Lunt, meant, men, mend, mint, pent, plaint, plant, print, prunt, pschent, quaint, quant, quint, quinte, rant, Ren, rend, Renne, rent, runt, saint, sant, scant, scend, scent, sen, send, sent, shan't, shend, shunt, skint, sklent, slant, spent, splint, sprent, sprint, squint, stemmed, stent, stint, strunt, stunt, swint, taint, temp, ten, tend, tent, Thant, then, Tien, tint, trant, trend, Trent, vend, venn, vent, Vienne, vint, want, wen, wend, went, when, wren, yen, Zen

2 syllables:

abend, accent, acquaint, Advent, affront, again, aglint, amen, amend, anent, ascend, ascent, askant, aslant, asquint, assent, attaint, attend, augment, avant, backend, befriend, besprent, boardbent, bouffant, brisant, cayenne, cement, commend, complaint, concent, condemned, confront, consent, constraint, contend, content, courante, croissant, Dairen, decant, defend, dement, descant, descend, descent, detent, detente, displant, dissent, distend, distent, distraint, douzaine, doyenne, emend, enceinte, enchant, entente, event, explant, extend, extent, Fengtien, ferment, forefend, forespent, forewent, forfend, fornent, forwent, Fukien, Geraint, godsent, Gravesend, greyhen, Guienne, hellbent, ident, implant, imprint, incant, indent, intend, intent, invent, lament, landsend, lawmen, levant, Mayenne, misprint, missend, misspent, Moukden, Mukden, offend, oilmen, Ostend, outspent, outwent, percent, phenfen, pitchmen, portend, precent, pretend, prevent, quitrent, recant, relend, relent, remint, repent, replant, reprint, resend, resent, restraint, savant, skipdent, subtend, supplant, Talien, Tashkent, torment, Touraine, transcend, transplant, unbend, unbent, unkenned, unmeant, unrent, unspent, Verlaine, yearend

3 syllables:

Adrienne, agrement, anchormen, Antirent, apprehend, circumvent, commandant, comprehend, condescend, councilmen, debutante, Demavend, discommend, discontent, disenchant, handymen, indienne, interblend, interrent, intrigante, julienne, madeleine, malcontent, nonchalant, nonevent, nonrestraint, Occident, orient, overprint, overspent, paravent, patrolmen, predikant, reacquaint, reascend, recommend, reinvent, reoffend, reprehend, represent, thereanent, unconstraint, underplant, underwent, unrestraint, varsovienne

4 syllables:

comedienne, cracovienne, disorient, equestrienne, inconsequent, misapprehend, misrepresent, overextend, superintend, tragedienne, tyrolienne

5 syllables:

overrepresent, underrepresent