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Words That Rhyme With "Grasses" :

2 syllables:

aces, acids, apsis, ashes, asses, axes, axis, bache's, bashes, bass's, basses, batches, blesses, blouses, boss's, bosses, brasses, buses, busses, caches, cases, cashes, cassis, Cassius, catches, ceases, Chalcis, chances, chases, choices, clashes, class's, classes, classis, dances, dashes, doses, esses, faces, fasces, faxes, flash's, flashes, fleeces, fusses, gas's, gases, gashes, gasses, glances, glass's, glasses, glosses, guesses, hashes, hatch's, hatches, Hesse's, hiss's, hisses, houses, ices, Joyce's, juices, kisses, laces, laches, lance's, lapses, lashes, lashings, latches, leases, looses, losses, Luce's, masses, massive, match's, matches, Mathes, Mathis, max's, messes, misses, missis, missus, mosses, nasa's, Nash's, nieces, paces, paso's, passage, passes, passive, pastis, patches, pieces, places, placid's, plus's, pluses, pusses, sashes, sassy's, sauces, slashes, slices, smashes, snatches, spaces, spices, splashes, splices, spouses, stances, Suisse's, tax's, taxes, thatches, tosses, uses, vases, vices, voices, waxes, yeses

3 syllables:

abuses, advances, Agassiz, amasses, antacids, assassins, assesses, atlases, attaches, bypasses, cabooses, caresses, collapses, confesses, detaches, devices, discusses, dismisses, dispatches, displaces, enhances, erases, excesses, excuses, expanses, eyeglasses, finances, harasses, impassive, induces, landmasses, mismatches, misplaces, molasses, morasses, obsesses, outclasses, polices, possesses, produces, professes, pseudaxis, pugnacious, rapacious, reduces, relapses, relaxes, releases, repassage, replaces, romances, sparaxis, successes, suffices, sunglasses, surpasses, synapsis, synaxis

4 syllables:

chemotaxis, coalesces, disabuses, epistaxis, geotaxis, homotaxis, hourglasses, hydrotaxis, hypotaxis, introduces, overpasses, parataxis, peristalsis, phototaxis, phyllotaxis, prophylaxis, refinances, reminisces, reproduces, rheotaxis, Tallahassee's, telotaxis, thermotaxis, thigmotaxis

5 syllables:

anaphylaxis, anemotaxis, electrotaxis, galvanotaxis, heliotaxis, heterotaxis, parasynapsis, reintroduces, stereotaxis, tachyphylaxis

6 syllables:
