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Words That Rhyme With "Rotch" :

1 syllable:

auge, bauch, Boche, Bosch, bosh, botch, clutch, cosh, crotch, cutch, dodge, dosh, dutch, Foch, gosh, gotch, hodge, hotch, huch, hutch, josh, Koch, Kutch, lodge, losh, mosh, much, mutch, nautch, nosh, notch, poche, podge, posh, potch, quash, scotch, scutch, slosh, smutch, splodge, splosh, splotch, stodge, such, tosh, touch, troche, wodge

2 syllables:

debauch, declutch, dislodge, galosh, golosh, hopscotch, hotchpotch, nonesuch, outwatch, retouch, topnotch

3 syllables:

butterscotch, forasmuch, insomuch, overmuch