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Words That Rhyme With "Ruffed" :

1 syllable:

aft, bluff, bluffed, buff, bused, bussed, bust, calfed, chough, chuff, chuffed, cleft, clift, coft, coughed, cuff, cuffed, cussed, daft, deft, duff, dust, eft, fluff, fluffed, fussed, fust, gift, gloved, guff, gust, haft, heft, hoofed, hough, huff, huffed, just, klepht, laughed, left, lift, loft, loved, luff, luffed, lust, miffed, muff, must, oft, pluff, puff, puffed, roughed, scoffed, scuff, scuffed, shaft, shift, shoved, sift, slough, sluff, sniffed, snuff, snuffed, soft, sough, squiffed, staffed, stiffed, stuff, stuffed, swift, Taft, theft, tift, toft, tough, toughed, tuff, tuft, waft, weft

2 syllables:

abaft, adjust, adust, aloft, beloved, bereft, combust, degust, derust, discussed, disgust, enough, handcuffed, nonplused, nonplussed, outbluff, rebuff, rebuffed, robust, unjust, unloved, unstuffed

3 syllables:

antirust, antitheft, candytuft, overstuffed, readjust, unadjust, unbeloved