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Words That Rhyme With "Store's" :

1 syllable:

airs, Ares, Ayres, bares, barres, bars, bears, beers, biers, Blair's, blares, blurs, boar, Boers, Bohr, boors, bores, bourse, buhr, bures, burres, cares, carr's, cars, chaires, chairs, cheers, chores, claire's, clears, coarse, cor, cores, corps, corse, course, crore, cures, czars, dares, Deere's, diers, doors, dor, Dorr, dorse, drawers, dure, ears, errs, ers, faires, fairs, fares, Fars, Faure, fears, firs, flares, floors, flor, force, fore, forge, fors, fours, frore, furr's, furs, furze, gars, gears, George, glares, glore, gor, gores, gorge, gorse, hairs, hares, hears, heirs, here's, hers, hoar, Hoare, hoarse, horse, jares, jars, jeers, jure, jurs, kor, lars, laur, Lear's, lor, lore, lures, mares, mars, mir's, mohr, moores, moors, more, mors, Morse, Muir, mure, nares, nears, nor, Norge, Norse, o'er, oars, ores, Orr, pairs, pares, pars, pears, peers, phares, piers, poore, poors, pores, pours, prayers, pure, purrs, queers, rears, roars, Ruhr, Sars, saur, scares, scars, schnorr, scores, sears, seers, seres, shares, shears, shores, skiers, slurs, smears, snares, sneers, snore, soars, sores, sorge, source, spares, spears, speirs, spheres, splore, spoor, spoor's, spores, spurs, squares, stores, sures, swears, swore, theirs, there's, Thor, tours, vars, veers, viers, vore, wares, wars, wears, weir's, wharve, where's, whores, wore, years, yore, you're, yours

2 syllables:

abhors, abjure, Abor, adheres, adjure, adores, affairs, afore, ahorse, Algiers, allure, amir's, amour, Amur, antrorse, appears, arrears, ashore, assures, Azores, Babar's, backdoors, bandore, bazaars, before, Belfort, bellcore's, bonjour, bookstores, brisure, brochures, careers, cashiers, centaurs, chauffeurs, cigars, cocksure, coheres, coiffeur, coiffure, colure, compares, concurs, confers, contours, couloirs, craquelure, d'accord, danseur, Darfur, declares, decor, defers, deforce, Delore, Delore's, demure, demurs, deplores, despairs, detours, devoirs, Dior, disgorge, divorce, doublure, downpours, drugstores, eclairs, encores, endorse, endures, enforce, engorge, ensnares, ensures, enure, explores, extrorse, forbore, fourscore, friseur, frontieres, Gabor, galore, gravure, guipure, hachure, hardcore, Hazor, ignores, immure, impairs, implores, impure, incurs, indoors, indorse, infers, inpour, inshore, insures, introrse, inure, Johore, Lahore, langur, lazor, Lenore, liqueurs, livor, manure, maror, matures, mazdoor, mentor's, messieurs, midcourse, Moliere's, monsieurs, Myanmar's, Mysore, Nagpur, noncore, obscures, occurs, offshore, outdoors, outpours, outroar, outscores, outsoar, outsource, perdure, perforce, phosphors, Pierre's, postwar, prefers, premieres, premiers, premorse, prepares, prewar, procure, quatorze, rapport, refers, reforge, regorge, remorse, Renoirs, repairs, restores, retrorse, reveres, secures, senhor, senor, sightseers, sobor, sophomores, Tagore, tanbur, tangiers, therefor, Timor, Timor's, transfers, unhorse, unmoor, unsure, velours, velure, veneers, wazir's, wherefore, yizkor, zaire's

3 syllables:

accoucheur, alongshore, antiwar, anymore, assignor, auctioneers, Baltimore's, bandoliers, Bangalore's, billionaires, bombardiers, buccaneers, carnivores, cavaliers, coinsure, commodore's, comprador, confirmor, connoisseurs, dinosaurs, disappears, Ecuador's, embouchure, engineers, epaulieres, financiers, gondoliers, guarantors, heretofore, immature, interferes, Jabalpur, Jubbulpore, Livermore, Messidor, millionaires, minicars, mirador, mutineers, obligor, overhears, overscore, overseers, overtures, overwore, pasticheur, perseveres, piefort, pioneers, premature, questionnaires, reappears, reassures, reenforce, reinforce, reinsure, Salvador's, souvenirs, superstores, theretofore, Thermidor, unawares, underdrawers, underscores, withindoors, withoutdoors

4 syllables:

arbitrageurs, capeador, conventioneers, electioneers, entrepreneurs, forevermore, hereinbefore, photogravure, recognizor, rotogravure, thereinbefore, underinsure

5 syllables:

betes, heliogravure, multimillionaires