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Words That Rhyme With "Wench" :

1 syllable:

bench, blanch, Blanche, blench, branch, brunch, bunch, Bunche, cense, chinch, cinch, clench, clinch, crunch, dense, drench, fence, finch, flanch, flense, flinch, french, grinch, hence, henge, hunch, inch, kench, kinch, linch, lunch, lynch, manche, maunche, mensch, mense, munch, pence, pinch, planch, punch, quench, ranch, scrunch, sense, spence, stanch, stench, synch, tench, tense, tenth, thence, tranche, trench, venge, wrench

2 syllables:

avenge, commence, condense, defence, defense, disbench, disbranch, dispense, drawbench, entrench, expense, immense, incense, intense, intrench, nondense, offence, offense, prepense, pretence, pretense, retrench, revanche, revenge, suspense, unclench, unclinch, workbench

3 syllables:

commonsense, nondefense, recommence