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Words That Rhyme With "Flutes" :

1 syllable:

boats, boots, chutes, coats, coots, cotes, coupes, crudes, drupes, dudes, dukes, dupes, feuds, foods, fruits, fuchs, goats, groats, groups, hoopes, hoops, hoots, Jude's, jukes, kooks, lutes, moats, moods, moots, motes, mutes, newts, notes, nudes, nukes, Oates, oats, oops, poops, pukes, putes, puts, quotes, roots, routes, scoops, scoots, shoots, shutes, soots, soups, spooks, stoops, suits, swoops, throats, toots, totes, troops, troupes, votes, whoops, wootz

2 syllables:

Beirut's, cahoots, capote's, commutes, computes, connotes, denotes, devotes, dilutes, disputes, Dubuque's, extrudes, exudes, gadzooks, grapefruits, grassroots, halutz, intrudes, jumpsuits, kibbutz, lawsuits, misquotes, obtrudes, offshoots, outvotes, pantsuits, pollutes, promotes, pursuits, rebukes, recoups, recruits, refutes, salutes, spacesuits, swimsuits

3 syllables:

absolutes, attributes, bandicoots, constitutes, executes, institutes, intergroup's, parachutes, persecutes, prosecutes, prostitutes, pussyfoots, substitutes