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Words That Rhyme With "Events" :

1 syllable:

ants, aunts, bends, blends, blintz, blintze, blunts, Brents, bunt's, cents, chants, chintz, Demps, dents, ends, faints, feints, fends, flints, fremd's, friends, fronts, gent's, grants, grunts, hints, hunts, kemp's, Kent's, krantz, lends, Lents, mints, Nantes, paints, pants, plants, prints, punts, quints, rents, saints, scents, sends, shunts, spends, splints, sprints, stints, stunts, taints, temps, tends, tents, tints, trends, Trent's, vents, wants, wends

2 syllables:

affronts, amends, ascends, attends, befriends, commends, complaints, confronts, consents, constraints, contends, croissants, defends, depends, descends, descents, dissents, Durant's, extends, ferments, implants, imprints, intends, intents, invents, laments, Lorenz, misprints, offends, percents, portends, portents, pretends, prevents, repents, reprints, resents, restraints, supplants, suspends, torments, transcends, transplants

3 syllables:

circumvents, comprehends, debutantes, discontents, malcontents, presidents, recommends, represents

4 syllables:

misrepresents, overextends