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Words That Rhyme With "Nantes" :

1 syllable:

ands, ants, aunts, bands, bankes, banks, blanks, blunts, brandes, brands, branks, Brents, bunt's, camps, cents, champs, chants, clamps, cramps, cranks, damps, Danks, dents, flanks, flaunts, fonts, francs, franks, fronts, gent's, glands, gramps, grands, grants, grunts, hands, hankes, hanks, haunts, hunts, jaunts, Kent's, krantz, lamps, landes, lands, Lents, Manx, pants, planks, plants, pont's, pranks, punts, ramps, rands, ranks, rents, sands, scents, shanks, shunts, stamps, stands, strands, stunts, swamps, tamps, tanks, taunts, tents, thanks, Trent's, vents, wands, wants, yanks

2 syllables:

affronts, commands, confronts, consents, croissants, demands, descents, dissents, Durant's, eggplants, events, expands, ferments, implants, intents, invents, laments, Lorenz, percents, prevents, Rembrandts, repents, resents, revamps, supplants, sweatpants, transplants, unclamps, Vermont's, withstands

3 syllables:

circumvents, confidants, debutantes, discontents, malcontents, meadowlands, represents, underpants, understands

4 syllables:

misrepresents, misunderstands