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Words That Rhyme With "Phoenicia" :

2 syllables:

chicha, geisha, lisa, Misha, Pisa, Tricia, Trisha

3 syllables:

acacia, aesthesia, Alicia, Alsatia, Aspasia, atresia, babesia, carissa, Cilicia, Croatia, Dalmatia, Elisa, esthesia, Felicia, frambesia, Galatia, godetia, Helvetia, Hypatia, Kirghizia, Larissa, Lucretia, Lutecia, malacia, militia, montbretia, nemesia, Patricia, rafflesia, Rhodesia, Serratia, Teresa, Theresa

4 syllables:

acmesthesia, anaesthesia, anesthesia, anoesia, cenesthesia, coenesthesia, dysesthesia, hypaesthesia, hypesthesia, kinaesthesia, kinesthesia, Mogadiscio, paraesthesia, paresthesia, synaesthesia, synesthesia, telesthesia

5 syllables:

depopulation, hyperaesthesia, hyperesthesia, hyperpiesia

6 syllables:
