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Words That Rhyme With "Xanthic" :

2 syllables:

clanship, gannet, gnathic, granite, Janet, lancet, manchet, manic, manit, manship, panic, pathic, planchet, planet, spathic, stannic, tannic

3 syllables:

botanic, Brahmanic, Britannic, cyanic, empathic, felspathic, freshmanic, galvanic, Germanic, helminthic, Hispanic, Koranic, leishmanic, mechanic, melanic, morganic, organic, prognathic, Romanic, satanic, shamanic, Spartanic, Sudanic, sultanic, tetanic, titanic, tympanic, uranic, volcanic

4 syllables:

aldermanic, allopathic, amphipathic, antipathic, Asianic, charlatanic, chrestomathic, councilmanic, dragomanic, epiphanic, homorganic, hydropathic, inorganic, isobathic, Magellanic, mesognathic, messianic, myopathic, nephropathic, neuropathic, oceanic, photopathic, polymathic, psychopathic, subvolcanic, talismanic, telepathic, theophanic, transuranic

5 syllables:

aeromechanic, anthropopathic, Aristophanic, cryptovolcanic, heteropathic, homeopathic, homoeopathic, naturopathic, osteopathic, psychogalvanic, sociopathic, suboceanic, superorganic, transoceanic, valerianic

6 syllables:
