Rhyme Desk
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Words That Rhyme With "Lulu" :

1 syllable:

bleu, blew, blue, boo, brew, broo, chew, Chou, Chu, clew, clou, clue, coo, coup, crew, Crewe, cru, cue, dew, do, doo, doux, drew, due, ewe, feu, few, flew, flu, flue, foo, fou, glew, glue, gnu, goo, grew, gue, hew, hoo, hue, Hugh, Jew, Kew, knew, Koo, leu, lew, lieu, loo, Lue, mew, moo, moue, new, ooh, ou, pew, phew, plew, poo, pooh, pou, pugh, queue, rew, roo, roux, rue, screw, shew, shoe, shoo, shrew, Sioux, skew, slew, slue, smew, Soo, spew, sprue, spue, stew, strew, Stu, sue, tew, thew, threw, thro, through, thru, to, too, trew, true, tue, two, view, whew, who, woo, yew, yoo, you, Yue, Zhou, Zhu, zoo

2 syllables:

accrue, adieu, ado, ahchoo, anew, askew, Attu, babu, Baku, bamboo, Barbu, battue, bedew, beshrew, bestrew, Beulah, boohoo, Bruley, Bula, cachou, canoe, Cebu, construe, cooley, coolie, coolly, cooly, coulee, cruelly, debut, Depew, doolie, dooly, drooly, duly, ecu, embrue, endue, ensue, eschew, fondu, fondue, fordo, foredo, Fula, Fulah, gula, halloo, hereto, hooley, hooly, hula, imbue, indue, Jammu, Juli, Kansu, kazoo, kula, Kwangju, Larue, misdo, moolah, muley, newly, outdo, outgrew, perdu, perdue, Peru, poilu, potoo, pula, pulu, pursue, ragout, ragu, redo, renew, review, revue, roughhew, Ruley, shampoo, shivoo, skiddoo, stoolie, subdue, sulu, surtout, taboo, tabu, tattoo, tatu, thankyou, therethrough, thereto, throughly, Thule, thumbscrew, tolu, truly, Tula, tule, tulley, ula, ulu, undo, undue, unglue, unmew, unscrew, unshoe, untrue, Urdu, vendue, vertu, virtu, wahoo, wherethrough, whereto, withdrew, Yalu, Zulu

3 syllables:

babassu, bakula, ballyhoo, Bernoulli, chanoyu, Cotonou, gardyloo, gaspergou, gillaroo, Giraudoux, guayule, hitherto, inconnu, Iou, jackeroo, kangaroo, Katmandu, Kwazulu, lazuli, Luthuli, misconstrue, Missoula, overdo, overdue, overthrew, parleyvoo, potoroo, regula, smackeroo, sockeroo, stinkaroo, stinkeroo, tabbouleh, thitherto, Timbuktu, underdo, unduly, unruly, wallaroo, wanderoo

4 syllables:

Ashtabula, didgeridoo, Honolulu, hullabaloo, Kalamazoo, machicoulis, Pascagoula, pirarucu, Tippecanoe, Valenzuela

5 syllables:
